Chapter One Neurodiversity statement

Chapter One training and development supports a welcoming, inclusive, and empowering space for neurodivergent students. Neurodivergent describes the breadth of differences in neurological wiring that make up the population; some examples of neurodivergent conditions are as follows;

DCD/Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, Acquired Neurodiversity, Mental Health, Autism.

This list is not exhaustive, and any brain-based difference that both associated strengths and challenges is considered neurodiversity. 

How can we help?

In the last month, all Chapter One staff have been trained in the Level 3 Award in Supervising First Aid for Mental Health (RQF). Any member of staff is able to advise students and training managers on finding support.

How to contact us for support

We currently work with a large number of students to support their learning needs. But we know that we need to do more to reach all learners who need our support.

We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you of all the ways in which we can help:

  • If you have additional needs, please tell us about your requirements on your application form
  • Email us on 
  • Speak to a tutor advisor via email:, or by calling 01534 709590
  • Speak to one of the team:
    • for Jersey
    • for Isle of Man

Ongoing support

If you need ongoing support, one of our team will work with you to create a support plan to ensure that all of your needs are met. They will meet (remote) regularly with you to ensure that you are on track.

We can create a range of adjustments for your learning. We know that every individual is different, so we will work with you to find the most appropriate solution to your learning needs.

To help ensure your success at Chapter One and with your professional education,  these are some resources – both social and academic – that neurodivergent students and their training managers may like to be aware of: