Michelle Bruce
E: mbruce@chapteronetrainingiom.com
Our Chief of Organising
Known as The Most Organised Person in the World. She keeps everyone at Chapter One on their toes. From reminding tutors when they are teaching, what they are teaching and who they are teaching to right through to making sure students have everything they need, Michelle keeps the business running every day.
Michelle is our enabler; she makes sure tutors have the tools to do their jobs. They say elephants never forget and neither does Michelle. She knows each and every one of our students. Her patented line of “remember, it’s just an exam, it’ll be ok” has helped hundreds of students to remain calm and pass their exams over the years.
Outside of Chapter One, you’ll find Michelle in the stables making sure her horse, Hattie, doesn’t go wandering off out of the fields and onto roads…much like the way she makes sure tutors don’t go wandering into the wrong classrooms.